Hosting the LIFE Monument at your parish!

Through the incredible generosity of world-renowned sculptor, Timothy (Tim) Schmalz, JMJ Pregnancy Center is happy to announce an exclusive partnership in sharing this influential piece of art with your parish. The original sculpture is permanently placed at the San Marcello al Corso Basilica, in Rome, Italy. A monument version is also displayed at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington D.C.
Tim wanted to put his commitment to life into action, so he created this monument from the same casting mold as the original in Rome. We are offering it to parishes around the diocese at no charge, and eventually to the State of Florida, to display this sacred art at their parish for one month.
Three goals of the JMJ Ambassadors for LIFE Campaign
To allow as many people as possible to see this beautiful sacred art that highlights the sanctity of life in the womb.
To raise awareness about the work and mission of JMJ Pregnancy Center as the largest Catholic pregnancy center in Central Florida.
To raise money to support JMJ through the sale of small versions of the original statue.

How it works:
(Our goal is to make this incredibly simple)
If your parish is interested in hosting the LIFE monument, please contact JMJ at, and we will give you options on the months that are available.
Once we have determined the month the LIFE monument will be hosted by your parish, we will send you bulletin announcements (and a sample pulpit announcement) to help you inform your parishioners.
We will set up a time for the delivery and pickup of the LIFE monument. We will provide the base, LIFE monument, stanchions, and signage in English and Spanish.
The signs will have information about the statue, as well as a QR code that parishioners can use to learn more about the LIFE monument and how they can purchase a small version to support the work and mission of JMJ. (All purchases will be done online. Parishes will not have to collect any money.)
At the end of the month, we will deliver all of the statues purchased by your parishioners to the parish office, along with a list of everyone who purchased the small LIFE statues. Parishes can choose to have parishioners pick them up at the parish office, or at the following weekend Masses.