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Bob Perron

Director ejecutivo

Bob is the Executive Director at JMJ Pregnancy Center. He has served in this role for three years and has overseen significant transformation and growth within the ministry during that time. Bob does his best work supporting the organization through his natural charisma as a public speaker at community awareness and fundraising events, while also forging strong relationships with our community partners and local church leaders. He drives the organization forward by increasing JMJ’s visibility and relevance in the community at large. He is a seasoned professional with 34+ years of staff management, catechetics, youth ministry, and fundraising experience. Bob is a nationally recognized speaker who has presented extensively nationally and internationally. His blend of humor, storytelling, and education has made him a highly sought-after speaker. Bob’s presentations leave his audiences laughing, smiling, deeply thinking, and perhaps, even shedding a tear or two. His excitement, enthusiasm, and love have motivated and inspired thousands of young people and adults. He has served on the St. Thomas More Center and the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry Board of Directors. Bob is passionate about being a husband and father. He and his wife Lisa have five children, three of which are adopted. Bob has been a lifelong pro-life and adoption advocate. He enjoys encouraging the husbands and boyfriends at JMJ to become the best fathers they can be, and when no father is present, he shares with women that they do deserve real love, respect, and dignity in their lives, and that our family will be their family in this difficult time.


Bob Perron

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Nuestra misión


"JMJ APOYA EL DERECHO CONCEDIDO POR DIOS A TODA MUJER EMBARAZADA A DAR A LUZ Y EL DERECHO DE TODO NIÑO NO NACIDO A NACER." Somos una alternativa al aborto que afirma la vida y brindamos orientación compasiva y amorosa a mujeres y familias que enfrentan dificultades durante y después del embarazo. Somos una organización de base católica que afirma y defiende la enseñanza social católica sobre la santidad de la vida y la planificación familiar.

Horarios e información de contacto

Orlando - (407) 839-0620 

Lunes - Miércoles. - Viernes.  10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 


Kissimmee - (407) 201-5085 

Martes - Jueves. - Sábado.  10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Centro "Lifting LIves" - (407)

Lunes. - Miercoles.   10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

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