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Chris Schilmoeller


Chris joined the JMJ Board in 2022

He holds a Bachelor Degree from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. He is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones. His passion for personal finance and leadership began when he worked for The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) which sends missionaries to college campuses to train students in evangelization and discipleship. Chris was in FOCUS for 9 years and served in multiple leadership, training, management, and fundraising roles.

As a financial advisor, Chris forms close personal relationships with individuals, families, and small businesses as he helps them create personalized financial strategies to help them to build, protect, and transfer their wealth.

Chris and his lovely wife, Mirna are blessed with 3 children, Gianna, Zelie and Anthony. Chris and his family are parishioners at Holy Family Catholic Church. He enjoys biking, hiking, reading and volunteering with local community organizations and his church.

Chris Schilmoeller

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Nuestra misión


"JMJ APOYA EL DERECHO CONCEDIDO POR DIOS A TODA MUJER EMBARAZADA A DAR A LUZ Y EL DERECHO DE TODO NIÑO NO NACIDO A NACER." Somos una alternativa al aborto que afirma la vida y brindamos orientación compasiva y amorosa a mujeres y familias que enfrentan dificultades durante y después del embarazo. Somos una organización de base católica que afirma y defiende la enseñanza social católica sobre la santidad de la vida y la planificación familiar.

Horarios e información de contacto

Orlando - (407) 839-0620 

Lunes - Miércoles. - Viernes.  10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 


Kissimmee - (407) 201-5085 

Martes - Jueves. - Sábado.  10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Centro "Lifting LIves" - (407)

Lunes. - Miercoles.   10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

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